Monday, March 1, 2010

Pulau Tioman..

I am least excited about...
.....the invertabrate and fish ID. I prefer to do a more active event that we do more than just look and learn about fish and invertebrates.

I am most excited about...
....the trek to the campisite. I enjoy going through rainforests and seeing things I wouldn't see everyday. I also look forward to camping because I've never been camping before.

I chose Pulau Tioman because...
..... when looking at the photos that were provided, it looked like the people enjoyed it. Also, I went and asked people that went, and they said that it was one of their favourite sites.

All About Me..

3 adjectives my friends would use to describe me....
- Quiet
- Enthusiastic
- Eager

3 adjectives my teachers would use to descibe me...
- Loose
- Alive
- Agreeable

What I hope to gain from Malaysia Week 2010

From my upcoming experience at Pulau Tioman, I want to gain more knowledge of Malaysia's environment. Since I am part of a group that is also travelling to Tioman for this year's malaysia week, I want to make the most of my time in Tioman and gain more knowledge and skills that Malaysia Week has to offer, as well as managing and improving my social activity. I hope to gain more experience on living outdoors and being responsible for my meals and shelter, while still having a great time with my fellow schoolmates.